Arbitral Insights brings you informative and insightful commentary on current issues in international arbitration and the changing world of conflict resolution. The podcast series offers trends, developments, challenges and topics of interest from Reed Smith disputes lawyers who handle arbitrations around the world.

Thursday May 25, 2023
Episode 100: Celebrating the ICC Centenary
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
Global chair of our international arbitration practice Peter Rosher welcomes ICC Court President Claudia Salomon to celebrate the ICC Centenary in our 100th Arbitral Insights episode. Sharing 100th-related milestones, the duo discuss what the ICC has achieved so far in its century-long dispute resolution journey, its aims for the future, and its client-centric strategy. They then focus on ways in which the ICC is encouraging parties to become more engaged in the arbitral process and what challenges may impact the ascendance of international arbitration as a dispute resolution method of choice for international business.